September is here and it's bringing whispers of fallen leaves, sweater weather, and of course...spooky season. But what else does this month have in store for us? Let's ask the cards and the spirits, and see what's ahead.
Mercury may be direct but the post shadow has a scorpion tail and is not afraid to sting! Try to lay low and go with the flow until the shadow period is over on September 11th. A nice good house blessing and maybe even an uncrossing would be fitting spell work to do after the 11th to help get things back on track and flowing nicely again.
Hold on to your pennies because September looks like it might be a financially tight month. If you have been thinking about dipping into your savings for a big purchase or fun splurge you may want to hold off on pulling the trigger in this transaction or at least postpone it to next month. (With all of the Halloween stuff rolling out it's hard to not be at least a little tempted to get yourself a nice, spooky treat.)
The second half of September might be rocky for people that are known to make hasty decisions. Don't just dive head first into anything new too quickly, especially if it involves love or money. Remember, if it seems too good to be true, it probably is. Help yourself stay grounded with hematite, salt baths, barefoot walks in nature, and lots of loud singing--hello concerts in the shower or during our morning commute!
September isn't all bad vibes, though. We will see a surge of energy and momentum when it comes to things we have been working on. Maybe you finally feel compelled to finish that book you have left half-written, commit to your workout routine, or actually see a Pinterest project through. Whatever your project is, enjoy the journey of it and know that there is a promise of success at the end of it as well as the promise of greater heights. If you need a magical pick-me-up to help you in the motivation department, try rocking some Red Tiger Eye, or enchanting your morning coffee by stirring it clockwise while whispering " All that consume this brew are motivated and bright with success within their sight."
May September's trails pass quickly and smoothly for everyone, and I hope that you get some sweet moments to welcome in Fall and Spooky Season!